Heart Foundation CEO NSW, Kerry Doyle, says heart disease is responsible for nearly 13 per cent of deaths in Australian men.
“The theme of this year’s Men’s Health Week is keeping boys and men healthy. We’re focusing on what males of any age can do to minimise their risk of developing heart problems later in life,” Ms Doyle said.
“We’re urging men to be good role models for their loved ones,” she said.
“We know that children tend to tag along for the ride when a parent makes an effort to live a healthier lifestyle.”
One of the National Heart Foundation’s flagship programs, Heart Foundation Walking, is getting involved in Men’s Health Week.
They are encouraging existing walkers to “bring a bloke” along to a walk or download the Heart Foundation Walking app. Males who register up until June 30, will go into the draw to win a prize.
Ms Doyle said said over 30 per cent of men in Australia had high cholesterol and almost 75 per cent were overweight or obese.
“One-quarter of males have high to severe blood pressure levels. Walking is a great way for men to reduce these risk factors,” she said.
To learn more about heart health checks, visit heartfoundation.org.au.