
Meccano set work ‘needed for safety’

DESCRIBED as “a treasured piece of the city’s motoring history”, the intersection known as the ‘Meccano set’ of traffic lights, is in need of urgent works to improve safety and traffic flow.

Councillor Rachelle Harika says the Hume Highway, Henry Lawson Drive and Woodville Road intersection is arguably one of the city’s busiest but is dangerous, with traffic a bottleneck and there is still no right hand turn into the Hume Highway from Henry Lawson Drive.
At her request, Canterbury Bankstown Council will write to Transport for NSW calling on them to fund an upgrade of this well-known traffic blackspot.
While the intersection’s historic 25-tonne gantry was restored in 2019, Cr Harika said “debate and conjecture around upgrading the intersection have been raging for more than a decade and still nothing has been done”.
“The intersection served a useful purpose in the 60s and 70s but is in dire need of an upgrade to meet the growing needs of the burgeoning population,” she said.
“Some of the ideas being thrown around include construction of a tunnel under the Hume Highway, taking the North/South traffic.
“This major project requires the NSW Government to commit funding and urgently address the shortcomings of this landmark location.”