
Man who keeps you smiling

JUST like a car, dentures require servicing and maintenance – often a job we put off until we can avoid it no longer.

However, Covid threw up a new set of challenges and for Panania’s Alpha Dental denture expert Mitchell Browne, it meant a lot more home visits and no trips to local nursing homes.
“Covid may have slowed us all down but it also gave us an opportunity to appreciate what truly matters in life,” he said.
“During the initial stages of Covid we saw a significant drop off in appointments; people seemed unsure about leaving their house for any medical treatment.
“Eventually when things settled down, many people booked numerous appointments to repair or replace their dentures that were causing them discomfort.”
A third generation dental prosthetist – following the footsteps of grandfather Edgar Casey and Dad Stephen – Mitchell says it’s vital to get a full denture check up every two years.
“I strongly recommend booking a free consultation to check the fit and function to avoid any damage that may be occurring to the mouth,” he said.
“Dentures will always be a great option to restore the smile of many people, from single tooth dentures to full dentures and everything in between.
“They offer a comfortable, successful, cost effective and minimally invasive treatment that also looks incredibly natural.”
With disabled access via a chairlift, the clinic also accepts NSW health and veterans affairs vouchers.
Details: 9773 6609.