Police were called to Ashford Avenue, Milperra, about 4pm last Saturday, following reports a man was harassing a 14-year-old boy.
Bankstown Police were told the man exposed himself to the teen and yelled obscenities at him as he walked along the street.
After speaking with the teen, police conducted a patrol of the area and located the 36-year-old man hiding in bushes in the front yard of a home on Bullecourt Avenue.
The Moorebank man was charged with wilful and obscene exposure in/near public place/school, trespass, and stalk/intimidate intend fear physical etc harm.
Twins in bat assault
POLICE charged two men after they allegedly assaulted another man with a baseball bat in Riverwood last Wednesday night.
About 7.30pm, a 42-year-old man and his 20-year-old daughter attended a home on Truman Avenue, Riverwood, to return a mobile phone. While at the premises, the man spoke with his other daughter, aged 19, and two men – twin brothers aged 19.
The conversation escalated, and the man and his 20-year-old daughter fled the home with the two men giving chase, one allegedly armed with a baseball bat.
At the intersection of Truman Road and Belmore Road, Riverwood, the older man was allegedly assaulted with the baseball bat.
During the alleged assault, three other men joined in and punched and kicked the man while he was on the ground. Those men fled the scene prior to police arrival.
Emergency services were called by witnesses and arrived to find the man on the ground unresponsive. He was treated at the scene before being taken to St George Hospital suffering a fractured skull. He remains in a stable condition.
The two 19-year-olds were arrested at the scene and have been charged with reckless grievous bodily harm in company (DV).
Ammo, drugs in raid
AMMUNITION, a 30-round magazine, drugs and cash were allegedly seized by Strike Force Raptor following a proactive operation in Sydney’s south west.
As part of ongoing investigation targeting illicit activities of criminal groups – and to suppress violent acts – officers from the Criminal Groups Squad’s Strike Force Raptor, with assistance from Bass Hill Regional Enforcement Squad, and investigators from Liverpool City and Bankstown Police Area Commands, conducted the operation across south west Sydney last Wednesday.
Six Firearm Prohibition Order (FPO) searches were conducted at homes in Bass Hill, Chester Hill, Padstow, Moorebank, Casula and Condell Park.
During the searches, police allegedly located $25,000 cash at the Bass Hill home and vials of steroids, prescription medication and a small quantity of white powder suspected to be illicit drugs, at the Moorebank home.
All items have been seized to undergo forensic analysis.
A 33-year-old man was arrested at Chester Hill and charged with do act etc intending to pervert the course of justice.
Following further inquiries, officers attended a home on Virtue Street, Condell Park, about 2pm.
A 27-year-old Chester Hill man was located inside the home and arrested in connection with an alleged home invasion at Liverpool earlier this month. He was charged with the offence of break & enter house and destroy property.
During a subsequent search of the property, police allegedly located prescription medication, 41 rounds of pistol ammunition, a 30-round pistol magazine, and 32 rounds of rifle ammunition.
Inquiries are continuing.
Pedestrian hit by car
A WOMAN is in a critical condition after being hit by a car at Panania last Thursday morning.
Emergency services were called to the intersection of Peffer Street and Anderson Avenue about 8am, after reports of an injured woman who was hit by a car. The 81-year-old woman suffered serious leg and abdominal injuries. She was treated at the scene by NSW Ambulance paramedics and taken to Liverpool Hospital in a critical condition.
The driver of the vehicle, a 44-year-old woman, was uninjured and taken to Bankstown Hospital for mandatory testing.
Inquiries into the incident continue.
Fisherman’s missing
A MAN, 60, who left his Bankstown home on Saturday morning to go fishing at Port Kembla, has not been seen since.
Police found the man’s car in the carpark at Hill 60, Port Kembla, on Monday and have been searching the area with assistance from PolAir and the Marine Area Command.