
Lost boy found ‘alive, well’ joy

AFTER a frantic two-day search for a 12-year-old boy with special needs who was missing in Auburn, the ‘huge contingent’ of community members and emergency service workers and volunteers breathed a sigh of relief when he was finally found.

Hussein Al Mansoory

The desperate search for Hussein Al Mansoory came to a wonderful ending when he was found “smiling and happy” in the stairwell of a building in Queen Street by a nearby worker.
“It was a fantastic response we had from all the volunteers … such a good display of community,” Auburn police commander, Detective Superintendent Simon Glasser said.
“It touched a chord in the community”.
The “little” boy who has autism and Down Syndrome, went missing from near Auburn Memorial Park at 10.30am on Saturday, March 9, and was found about 200 metres away about 12.40pm the following Monday.
NSW SES Auburn Unit Commander Jamie Newman said it was a great outcome for volunteers from across Sydney, who had dedicated their weekend to the search.
“It was a huge weight lifted off our shoulders, knowing that he’s been found safe and well,” Inspector Newman said.
“We can’t say thank enough to everyone who gave up their time, including the countless community members who joined the search,” he said.
City of Sydney SES Unit member Patrick Murch said hearing Hussein was safe and well was like winning the lottery.
“I have never been on a search where the whole community is so committed to looking for one person. It was such a great outcome for little Hussein,” Mr Murch said.
“Every single person we spoke to when we did the door knocking, was talking about how they were going out or had been out with their neighbours, and their kids looking around.
“I spoke to a woman and when we showed the picture of Hussein she said ‘Im dropping my kids off at daycare and then I’m going to search a couple of streets with my neighbour to see if we can see him’.”