“We were excited when we found out we could still attend our usual annual competitions, even when they had to be modified to ensure maximum safety,” teacher Rebecca White said.
With 14 zone finalists, six zone place getters and two state semi-finalists, Berala Physie also had two state finalists (top 15 in NSW), with one coming third.
“I was also proud we had three amazing women represent us at the Annual Masters Day, where those 40 years and over come together to share in friendly competition and a love of Physie,” Rebecca said.
“This is one of the greatest parts of Physie – you can continue to be involved, and even be competitive, well into your 60s and 70s.“
Berala Physie also had six groups in the Teams Competition, with the 7-8 year olds receiving third place, and the 15-1st team coming second.
‘Physie’, or Physical Culture, is a uniquely Australian sport which teaches a fusion of dancing, aerobics, gymnastics and ballet all rolled into one.
New members are welcome and can book in for two free trial lessons at beralaphysie.com.au or call 0408 263 170 or 9793 2422.