
Local firm’s delivering sought-after technology around world

NSW Labor Leader Chris Minns and State MP for Auburn, Lynda Voltz, joined Lord Mayor of Parramatta Donna Davis (pictured) on a tour of BluGlass to hear about their experiences, making and manufacturing semi-conductors for export, partnering with firms in Silicon Valley and bringing cutting edge technology to the marketplace, not just in Australia but around the world.

The Silverwater company has been developing leading-edge, semi-conductor manufacturing technology and devices for more than a decade, and is a global provider to photonics industries, delivering cutting-edge, custom laser and LED development across the industrial, defence, display and scientific markets.
CEO Ian Mann says BluGlass is Australia’s only listed semi-conductor manufacturing company and is “spearheading what we think is the next generation of laser diodes and other semi-conductor material properties”.
Mr Minns said the factory showed that “we have the goods, we have the know how, we have the expertise, we have world leading universities, there is absolutely no reason why we can’t make and manufacture goods for the entire world”.
“This is jobs of the future, it’s wonderful to see it located right here in Western Sydney,” he said.