
Less thefts and crime locally

THERE has been a 13 per cent drop in retail thefts in the Canterbury Bankstown area, despite a 6.5 per cent rise statewide.

The latest NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research (BOSCAR) report showed 515 retail theft offences reported in the 12 months to June this year, predominantly at licensed premises and supermarkets, compared with 590 offences reported for the same period in 2018.
Figures from BOSCAR also show criminal activity dropped by 2.2 per cent in Canterbury Bankstown, over the past two years, while the number of people in court across the state rose by three per cent.
Mayor Khal Asfour welcomed the news that Canterbury-Bankstown also recorded up to a 15 per cent decrease in major crime categories, such as domestic violence, fraud, malicious damage to property and theft, over the past four years.
“This goes to show our city is improving in more ways than one, by working together,” he said.
“Unfortunately, crime affects everyone in some way and to see it progressively drop in Canterbury Bankstown is encouraging.
“We’re also doing really well compared to other areas, especially considering the size of our population, but we should not let this make us complacent.”
Throughout the local government area the council hosts Local Safety Forums to update residents on latest crime trends and what programs are being delivered to address identified issues.
The council also works in partnership with local police to check commuter car parks and other hot spot locations for signs of theft from motor vehicles, and where valuables are seen on display in cars, owners are given information on theft prevention.
In conjunction with emergency services, the Canterbury Bankstown Council will also host its annual Community Safety Expo at the Bankstown Central shopping centre this Saturday, October 12.