Raising up the role of fathering and inspiring men to be the best dads they can be, The Fathering Project has been taken up by the Canterbury Public School community, with over 80 fathers and father figures – grandfathers, uncles, friends and mums, and 190 parents and students – at the launch last week to enjoy a paper plane making activity and sausage sizzle.
Principal Tracy Considine explained: “The Fathering Project began after Western Australia University research showed it was important to build capacity for men to be better dads. This followed lung surgeon Dr Bruce Robinson who had detailed that most men on their death beds expressed regrets around their relationship with their children.
“We are among the first school in the area to take up the project which will see our local fathers who sign on for our Dads Club, getting together once a term for some tips and to build networks with other men having similar experiences with their children.
“Sometimes children will join them for an activity.
“Fathering is more important than most men realise for a child’s self belief and esteem.
“Children of all ages need to know dad is always going to be there for them and love them unconditionally no matter what; it’s also about encouraging a child’s individuality and talents.”
Ms Considine says she is not surprised at the great turnout at the project launch since Canterbury PS has an amazing community of fathers who are hands on and supportive.
“The children loved having them all there and we are hoping to grow our Dads Club participation levels; the club will be lead by dads and supported by Assistant Principal – Well-being, James Lockwood.”
To find out more, call the school on 9718 2884.
Learning how to be better fathers
WHAT we do or don’t do as dads, has an enormous impact on the happiness and health of the children we love.