‘Why is true happiness so difficult to achieve?’ ‘How can I be happier?’ – These are simple questions but the answers elude so many people from all walks of life.
Regardless of your version of true happiness, living a happier, more satisfied life is within reach.
Certified Happiness Trainer Karen Sun will offer free practical techniques on how to feel happier at The Granville Centre on Thursday, March 9, 6-8pm, as part of the Soul and Wellbeing Encounter series by House to Grow in partnership with Cumberland Council.
Karen will share the latest happiness research studies and also cover a range of topics including whether happiness is just an illusion or something achievable, what happiness means to you and how to live a happier life.
She says it’s important to know the body and mind are inter-connected so even when you think and believer that you are healthier or younger, your body is likely to respond that way.
“For me, writing a journal everyday makes me happy,” she said.
“But the quickest way to feel happy is to just smile.
“There are many studies and books about happiness, and we are not lacking in knowledge on the subject.
“However, the most challenging part is finding the way that suits you best and making it a daily ritual to live by; you may surprise yourself.”
Bookings: eventbrite.com.au.
Learn technique to improve happiness
HAPPINESS is a primary human motivation yet only one in three people in the world say they’re very happy.