Though classified as a short-term, respite and emergency foster carer, many of her children have stayed longer such as the new baby she took in who is now two-and-a-half years old.
“I would rather take care of a child until they can be returned to family or a permanent home to give them more stability,” she said.
The practising Muslim is also happy to take in non-Muslim children.
“Our door is always open to any child who needs love and care, which all children deserve,” she said.
“I am so lucky and grateful to be supported by my husband, children and community; my kids have empathy for all, they realise people don’t ask for challenging situations and they know never to judge anyone.”
Taking her commitment to help a step further, Kylie is one of eight who have founded the charity, ‘Fostering Our Ummah’, which is dedicated to supporting Muslim children in the foster care system and aims to close the gap for all children entering care as some arrive with nothing.
“I would thoroughly recommend for others to become foster carers, there is nothing more rewarding,” she said.
Those interested in fostering, guardianship or open adoption, are invited to an information night at Padstow’s UMA Centre on Saturday, May 6, from 5.30pm.
Hosted by United Muslims of Australia and Creating Links, the event will feature guest speakers and Q & A opportunities.
Bookings essential:
To make a donation:
Learn how child fostering ‘a gift’ at Muslim info night
SHE’S known as the ‘baby whisperer’ to many because Greenacre’s Kylie Elakhras has fostered 48 children in the past nine years as well as raising three children of her own.