
Lactalis staff aid world clean up

LACTALIS Lidcombe staff joined their Lactalis co-workers from more than 40 countries, to take part in World Cleanup Day over two weeks in September, removing thousands of pieces of litter from their local communities including Duck River.

One of the largest dairy processors in Australia, Lactalis encourages its employees to volunteer for causes such as World Cleanup Day by providing two half days of paid CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Leave each year.
“For the third year running, we’re thrilled to offer our people the opportunity to join their colleagues to leave a positive impact on the community and the environment,” Lactalis’ Kirsty Fairbank said.
“Our ongoing involvement with World Cleanup Day and Clean Up Australia supports the Lactalis Group’s global focus on people, community and planet and allows us to educate our people on the importance of proper waste management.”