However some of the knitters embarked on a project providing clothes with a difference – namely for Barbie Dolls that had been collected from various local opportunity shops.
Stunning little outfits have been knitted in bright colours to coordinate with the Barbie’s hair colour and donated to Sanctuary Housing, a Women’s Refuge in Ashfield.
Two of the knitters, Barbara and Doreen, who had initiated the project, visited the refuge with staff member Megan and presented staff with the dolls, with one saying: “It meant so much to the children of the women staying in the refuge; it was incredibly heartwarming.”
The Friday Knitting Group is looking to welcome new members. If you have a love of knitting or crochet (or just love to chat and meet other people) are over 65 (or over 50 if you are from an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Island background) and live in the Canterbury-Bankstown or Inner West area, this could be the group for you.
The group also goes on outings once a month and enjoy morning tea and lunch in good company – all while having a laugh.
For further info, call Alison on 9750 9344.
Knit up Barbie donation
ESPECIALLY busy at this time of year, Canterbury City Community Centre’s Friday Knitting Group has been having a great old yarn, knitting blankets, beanies and gloves to keep out the winter chills for the needy.