
Kickstart careers yet still at school

BANKSTOWN TAFE is helping high school students, including those who attend Condell Park High, Wiley Park Girls High and Mount St Joseph Milperra, with differing abilities kickstart a career in retail, providing ongoing employment opportunities in an in-demand industry.

According to Labour Market Data, the retail trade industry employs over one million people in Australia and is expected to need another 50,000 workers in the next five years.
Research has also indicated that Western Sydney is the third largest economic region in the country, meaning it is a hotbed of retail career opportunities.
TAFE NSW is responding to the demand for more workers through their TVET Access Program.
High school students living with differing abilities are given the opportunity to develop practical skills in a safe learning environment, equipping them to join the workforce or begin further study.
The TVET Access Program has proven to be a valuable career pathway through face to face and online learning options.
TAFE NSW student Lavashanth Karunakaran completed the program in 2021 and has since completed his Certificate II and Certificate III in Retail, and is now in the process of completing his Certificate IV.
“The TVET Access Program allowed me to develop skills and knowledge I wouldn’t have been able to otherwise,” he said.
“I am proud to have completed further qualifications in Retail. I have also been consistently employed in retail work during my studies, putting the training I received into practice.”