
Join in the 2022 Seniors Festival

JOIN us to celebrate ‘reconnecting’ by tuning into the council’s program and events throughout the 2022 Seniors Festival.

Wednesday, March 23
Bingo: Greenacre Library, 10am. Bookings, 9707 9744. Padstow Library, 10am. Bookings, 9707 9747. Riverwood Library, 10.30am. Bookings, 9707 5436.
Seniors Dance Fit: Morris Iemma Indoor Sports Centre, 10am. Bookings, 9153 0441.
Basket Weaving Workshop (Aboriginal Art Class): Belmore Seniors Centre, 10.30am. Bookings, 9707 9863.
Seniors Tech Help: Campsie Library, 11am. Bookings, 9789 9423.
Henna Workshop: Lakemba Library, 11am. Bookings, 9789 9419.
Chair Yoga: Greenacre Citizens Centre, 1pm. Bookings, 9070 5495.
Plastic-Free Living talk: Lakemba Library, 2.30pm. Bookings, 9789 9419.

Thursday, March 24
Pickleball: Morris Iemma Indoor Sports Centre, 9am. Bookings, 9153 0441.
Bingo: Lakemba Library, 10am. Bookings, 9789 9419.
Jewellery making – Bracelets: Panania Library, 10am. Bookings, 9707 9737.
Seniors Tech Help: Earlwood Library, 11am. Bookings, 9789 9417.
Henna Workshop: Greenacre Library, 2.30pm. Bookings, 9707 9744.

Friday, March 25
Reconnecting Morning Tea: Canterbury-Hurlstone Park RSL, 10am. Bookings, 9707 5495.
Classic Australian Movie Screening – Smiley: Campsie Library, 10am. Bookings, 9789 9423.
Seniors Tech Help: Earlwood Library, 11am. Bookings, 9789 9417.

Monday, March 28
Classic Australian Movie Screening – Smiley Gets a Gun: Bankstown Library, 10am. Bookings, 9707 9708.
My Aged Care Info Session: Campsie Library, 10am-12pm. Bookings, 9789 9423.
Seniors Tech Help: Earlwood Library, 11am. Bookings, 9789 9417.
Bingo: Chester Hill Library, 12pm. Bookings, 9707 9740.

Tuesday, March 29
Campsie History Bus Tour: Campsie Library, 10am. Bookings, 9789 9423.
Chair Yoga: Earlwood Library, 10am. Bookings, 9707 5495. Panania Library, 1pm. Bookings, 9707 5495.
Road Safety Refresher: Greenacre Citizens Centre, 10am. Bookings, 0409 822 848.
Table Tennis Taster Session: Morris Iemma Indoor Sports Centre, 10.30am. Bookings, 9153 0441.
Seniors Tech Help: Earlwood Library, 11am. Bookings, 9789 9417.
Classic Australian Movie Screening – Penguin Bloom: Lakemba Library, 2.30pm. Bookings,9789 9419.

Wednesday, March 30
Healthy Body Healthy Mind – launch of Tovertafel: Bankstown Library, 10am. Bookings, 9707 5495.
Classic Australian Movie Screening – Red Dog: Greenacre Library, 10am. Bookings, 9707 9744.
Seniors Dance Fit: Morris Iemma Indoor Sports Centre, 10am. Bookings, 9153 0441.
Seniors Tech Help: Campsie Library, 11am. Bookings, 9789 9423. Earlwood Library, 11am. Bookings, 9789 9417.
Chair Yoga: Greenacre Library, 1pm. Bookings, 9707 5495.
Gardening Talk and Refreshments: Lakemba Library, 2.30pm. Bookings, 9789 9419.
Plastic-Free Living talk: Padstow Library, 2.30pm. Bookings, 9707 9747.

Thursday, March 31
Pickleball: Morris Iemma Indoor Sports Centre, 9am. Bookings, 9153 0441.
Bingo: Campsie Library, 11am. Bookings, 9789 9423.
Seniors Tech Help: Earlwood Library, 11am. Bookings, 9789 9417.
CB City Seniors Concert: Bankstown Sports club, 2pm. Tickets, $2.
NIA – Sensory Exercises: Lakemba Library, 2.30pm. Bookings, 9789 9419.

Friday, April 1
Jason Owen – Sings John Denver concert: Bryan Brown Theatre, 10am. Tickets, $25, from or 9707 9404.
Vietnamese Movie Screening – The Lady Assassin: Riverwood Library, 10am-12pm. Bookings, 9707 5436.
Seniors Tech Help: Earlwood Library, 11am. Bookings, 9789 9417.

Monday, April 4
Classic Australian Movie Screening – The Overlanders: Bankstown Library, 10am. Bookings, call 9707 9708.
Crafty Arts: Still Life Pastels: Riverwood Library, 10.30am. Bookings, 9707 5495.
Seniors Tech Help: Earlwood Library, 11am. Bookings, 9789 9417.

Tuesday, April 5
My Aged Care Info Session: Bankstown Library, 10am-12pm. Bookings, 9707 9708.
Crafty Arts – Still life Pastels: Earlwood Library, 10.30am. Bookings, 9707 5495.
Table Tennis Taster Session: Morris Iemma Indoor Sports Centre, 10.30am. Bookings, 9153 0441.
Chair Yoga: Campsie Library, 11am. Bookings, 9707 5495.
Scam and Fraud Awareness Workshop: Bankstown Library, 11am. Bookings, 9707 5537.
Seniors Tech Help: Earlwood Library, 11am. Bookings, 9789 9417.

Wednesday, April 6
Bingo: Panania Library, 10am. Bookings, 9707 9737.
Seniors Dance Fit: Morris Iemma Indoor Sports Centre, 10am. Bookings, 9153 0441.
Japanese Paper Gift Wrapping: Chester Hill Library, 10.30am. Bookings, 9707 9740.
Seniors Tech Help: Campsie Library, 11am. Bookings, 9789 9423. Earlwood Library, 11am. Bookings, 9789 9417.
Chair Yoga: Greenacre Citizens Centre, 1pm. Bookings, 9707 5495.

Thursday, April 7
Bankstown History Bus Tour: 10am. Bookings, 9707 9708.
Bingo: Earlwood Library, 10am. Bookings, 9789 9417.
Seniors Tech Help: Earlwood Library, 11am. Bookings, 9789 9417.
Scam and Fraud Awareness Workshop: Campsie Library, 2.30pm. Bookings, 9707 5537.

Friday, April 8
CASS talk in Mandarin: Riverwood Library, 10am. Bookings, 9707 5436.
Seniors Tech Help: Earlwood Library, 11am. Bookings, 9789 9417.

Monday, April 11
Crafty Arts – Doll making: Campsie Library, 10.30am. Bookings, 9707 5495.

Tuesday, April 12
Crafty Arts – Doll making: Padstow Library, 10.30am. Bookings, 9707 5495.