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Join challenge for mental health push

JOINING hundreds of thousands of others across the nation in the push for better mental health, a team of 30 from Bankstown’s UFC Gym has entered the Push-Up Challenge to put the spotlight on the 3,318 Australians who died by suicide in 2019.

Aiming to complete 3,318 push-ups by June 25 and raise funds for Headspace at the same time, the team has a different daily target – which they can spread through the day – to reflect a vital mental health statistic.
For example, 135 push-ups was achieved one day earlier this month because a recent analysis showed that three 45-minute exercise sessions a week (135 minutes in total) is enough to provide anti-depressant benefits to mental health.
UFC Fitness Manager Adrian Fong says the 135 target was significant since it is also the average number of people affected by one suicide.
“The 120 push-up goal on day five, reflects that Lifeline receives 120 calls an hour, one call every 30 seconds, while on day 10, the 195 push-up goal reflects the 195 First Nation Australians who died by suicide in 2019,” he said.
“It’s such a worthy cause and we’ve taken it a step further and had Headspace team members hold well-being sessions with our members on two afternoons last week.
“We’re all about health awareness at UFC and want people to talk more about mental health and help remove the stigma.”
As of last Thursday, UFC Bankstown had raised $684 – their goal is to reach $1,000 by the end of this month.
To help them on their mission, go to thepushupchallenge.com.au and search for UFC Gym Bankstown.