
Inviting more to join club where seniors shine

JOINING Padstow RSL Club’s Sunshine Club about six years ago and now president, Christine Harmsworth says it was one of the best decisions she’s ever made.

Meeting twice a month on the second and last Tuesdays of the month, the group gathers for a free morning tea and social catch-up one day and then enjoys a bus outing on the next.
Last year saw them visit Warragamba Dam, Western Sydney Airport, the Australian Army Museum, an historic house, animal sanctuary and ANSTO to name a few with next month’s visit a trip to the Blue Mountains culminating in lunch in a scenic setting.
In March they will head to Wiseman’s Ferry, where some members of the group used to water ski in their younger days, with a visit to a Scottish Highland cattle farm to follow.
After that they’ll head to Dee Why beach for a picnic and Christine says she is always happy to investigate whatever potential bus outings are suggested.
“Being part of the Sunshine Club means that you always have something interesting to look forward to every month,” she said.
“Enjoying each other’s company each month is beneficial to mental health; we’re only human and are designed to have contact with others.”
Always excited at the start of a new year, Christine said everyone should make a fresh start in 2024 with new things, new people and new ideas.
“The group is open to any retired people over 60 who are financial members of Padstow RSL, with membership costing $10 a head,” she said.
For further info, call Christine on 9771 5132 or 0411 410 886.