
Invite to show support at annual Sonday Funday to help find cure

THE annual Sonday Funday and Community Walk to raise awareness of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) will be held this Sunday and State MP for Canterbury, Sophie Cotsis, is urging everyone to get involved.

The walk will be held at Gough Whitlam Park in Earlwood from 9am, where there will also be lots of food, fun and activities for the entire family.
Ms Cotsis says it is a perfect opportunity for our community to enjoy a wonderful day filled with great entertainment and also giving us an opportunity to band together to show our support to those who are living with Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
General Manager of Save Our Sons Duchenne Foundation, Michael Galderisi, says there is no cure or effective treatments available in Australia to change the natural trajectory of Duchenne but the walk will raise vital funds to fund trials to “ultimately find a cure as well as providing essential equipment and services to enhance quality of life”.
Campsie local and founder of Save Our Sons Duchenne Foundation, Elie Eid, whose son is diagnosed with DMD, says “the walk symbolises the long and tough journey that families have to endure when they have a child with Duchenne”.
“It also represents our solidarity with those kids that can no longer walk or are no longer with us today.”
Cr Clare Raffan said: “I cannot imagine what it’s like for individuals and families to find out that one day, they or their loved one, will not be able to breathe or have heart function that is not unassisted.”
Tickets: $10 online, $15 on the day. For more information about the event, visit
All proceeds from the day will contribute to researching viable treatment options and potential cures for the disease.