
Hydro house next to childcare centre

A HYDROPONIC cannabis set-up has allegedly been uncovered next to a childcare centre in Chester Hill.

The alleged hydro house was found by police who executed 34 search warrants in one week and seized 6,720 cannabis plants worth over $20 million, as part of an operation targeting the indoor cultivation of cannabis plants throughout the south west.
It is alleged the house at Chester Hill contained 124 cannabis plants.
Nine people were charged with a variety of prohibited drug related offences during the operation.
South West Metropolitan Region Commander, Assistant Commissioner Tony Cooke, said that he was very pleased with the results of the operation.
“Investigators involved will continue to target illicit activities that impact the health and safety of the community,” Assistant Commissioner Cooke said.
“In one week, we have managed to seize and destroy more than $20 million worth of cannabis, reducing the influence of criminal gangs and their illegal activities across Sydney.
“Those involved in criminal activity across Sydney’s south west can expect to be caught and feel the full force of the law. I encourage those in the community who may have any information regarding prohibited drugs, to call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.”