
Hundreds go batty and turn out to enjoy amazing flying wonder

THE annual Bat Watch Picnic proved to be a great success, despite inclement weather and blustery winds on Friday.

Hundreds of families converged on Turrella Reserve to watch the amazing spectacle of thousands of Grey-headed Flying Foxes fly out at sunset on their nightly mission to search for food in the region.
Deb Little, Vice-president of Wolli Creek Preservation Society (WCPS) and Bat Watch organiser said: “We were worried that the weather would keep people away, so were delighted when so many families turned up to join in the Batty crafty and creative activities and enjoy a picnic while waiting for the bats to come flying out from their camp beside the creek.
“In its seventh year, the Bat Watch Picnic is now an annual event and a unique opportunity to celebrate our amazing city wildlife.”
To find out about WCPS monthly Bat fly-out counts and other WCPS activities, email