
How you can help cure our loneliness epidemic

DID you know that one in four Australians feels lonely?

Or that 30 per cent of people don’t feel part of a group of friends?
Lonely residents have worse physical and mental health and are more likely to be depressed.
Now more than ever it is important to stay connected with others around you, even if it is ‘virtually’ for the time being due to the restrictions imposed by Covid-19 and the challenges it presents.
Canterbury Earlwood Caring Community Centre (aka Canterbury Earlwood Caring Association Ltd or CECAL) offers a range of programs and activities for people of all ages, from pre-school children and families to senior but needs help to stop the spread of loneliness.
Volunteering is a great way to make new friends, learn new skills, connect with people in your community and ‘give back’.
It’s also great for your own mental health and well-being and CECAL has a range of ways to help you help others.
That could include administration and IT support, teaching or facilitating a program, making well-being phone calls or visiting people who are isolated.
To volunteer or if you or someone who would benefit from a ‘virtual’ or face to face visit, call CECAL on 9559 4013.