
How pre-paid is ‘way to go’

RESPECTING the grief process and the need to prepare for the time to say goodbye, the Victoria Cross Funerals team understand that people cope with the loss of someone close in different ways.

An independent, family owned and operated funeral service in Kingsgrove, Victoria Cross Funerals offer services to all faiths and embrace people of all denominations, cultures, traditions, backgrounds and beliefs.
After 10 years in the funeral industry and experiencing her own personal loss, Victoria Vitetzakis decided to branch out on her own and established her business, along with her sister-in-law Nicole, earlier this year.
“Our mission is to provide families of all cultural backgrounds with guidance and support in arranging a beautiful funeral service,” Victoria said.
“We endeavour to ease the burden during what is a difficult and emotional time.”
With pre-paid funerals a popular option, including instalment plans, Victoria Cross Funerals can plan a burial or cremation service in advance for you or family members.
There are many benefits to organising a memorial ahead of time.
“Planning ahead eases the emotional and financial burden of the family and friends left behind and it gives you the flexibility to prepay your funeral costs at today’s prices,” Victoria added.
“We partner with an independent Funeral Pre-paying and Pre-planning company to ensure you peace of mind, and flexibility for services in the future.
“We will guide you through the funeral planning process and provide you with the information you need to make informed funeral decisions that will best honour the memory of your loved one.”
For more info, call the Victoria Cross Funerals team on 9188 7708.