
Holroyd Women win minor premiership

HOLROYD Rangers Soccer Club All Age Division 1 Women have done it again, securing the Minor Premiership for the second year after only two losses this season.

Captain Chloe Pryor said it was an incredibly exciting time for the team and a testament to their passion and dedication as many of the women, ranging in their 20s to 40s, had overcome serious injuries to give it their all and keep Holroyd Rangers on top.
“We are lucky to have such wonderful coaches in Club President Danny Rizk and Craig Brown,” she said.
“Danny’s commitment to women’s football is unheard of, second to none, he’s our biggest supporter and always there for us while Craig has been crucial in developing out technique and formation.
“Craig has definitely helped us find our groove.”
With the semi-finals coming up on August 25 ahead of the Grand Final on September 1, Chloe says the team they have to watch out for are the Pendle Hill women.
“They were one of the two teams we lost to this season so we are determined to win this time and the premiership honours,” she said.