
Highest quality teaching, learning

A CO-EDUCATIONAL high school with more than 630 students, Bass High School is proudly multicultural and serves a diverse student population with 65 per cent from a non–English speaking background and 25 Aboriginal students.

It offers high quality teaching and learning programs to cater for a variety of learning needs in order to ensure the best possible outcome for the students.
A spokesperson for the school said students and staff consistently strive to do their best and work hard to achieve the high expectations set at our school.

“We value safe and respectful learners. We aim to provide all students with a positive, supportive and engaging learning environment, with a focus on active learning and student wellbeing,” she said.
“With our modern facilities, talented teachers and quality learning programs, students have strong and supportive opportunities to achieve their learning potential.
“We are very proud of our school, our students, teachers and our community.”
Bass High offers a broad syllabus covering traditional subjects and a range of electives including Agriculture, Hospitality, Sport, Information and Communications Technology, Creative Arts subjects and Rugby League. Senior students also enjoy a choice of traditional HSC subjects as well as Vocational Education Training courses in Business Services, Information Technology, Hospitality, Sports Coaching, Primary Industries and Construction. Additionally, they have a Special Education Unit which supports the needs of students with a range of disabilities.
Exciting technologies including interactive whiteboards, laptops, iPads, robotics and 3-D printers provide students with access to the world of learning beyond the classroom, while its award-winning Student Learning Centre provides opportunities for students to extend their learning and to work directly with university student tutors.