And the clean up continues this Sunday, February 23, 8.30am-1pm with the second annual Cooks River Clean Up and Paddle Against Plastic.
Establishing large scale waterway cleaning charity Ocean Crusaders about 10 years ago, Ian Thomson says it ceases to amaze him just how much rubbish ends up in the Cooks and Georges Rivers.
“Looking into the eyes of a dead turtle and wondering what killed it, to later find out it was plastics, drives this campaign to ensure that our oceans, waterways and beaches are clean and safe,” he said.
Teams will be working on the water and on the banks of the Cooks River. There will also be live music, a barbecue and interactive displays.
The event will be based out of organiser River Canoe Club’s clubhouse in Tempe.
To book attendance or for more info, visit or email
Help river to come clean
A MOTORBIKE engine, hydro-electric pump weighing 118kg, pushbikes, trolleys and tonnes of polystyrene plastic were part of the eight-and-half tonne haul of rubbish out of the Cooks River at Canterbury over four days last week.