“Here at the Centre, we provide assistance to people who are the most vulnerable, with a particular focus on those at risk of social isolation, homelessness and domestic violence,” she explained.
“We also do fun stuff like Newtown Market and Newtown Festival to help raise funds for our vital programs.”
Liz is particularly proud of recently hiring a Homelessness Services Co ordinator, Karen Hunter, who, in her first week, helped house five people who were sleeping rough.
“Key vital services in housing people across the Inner West were simply missing and we decided to take a gamble and ensure rough sleepers had someone to support them in finding secure housing,” Liz explained.
“Without this service these people would be on the streets and, looking at the weather recently, probably very damp.
“What is so exciting about this is Karen has demonstrated to us what is possible.”
After inviting generous community members to donate $1,000 before June 30, saying she would personally match the donation of $1,000 from her salary, Liz has had to do just this and couldn’t be prouder.
“We do have some wonderful supporters including some local businesses – our Newtopian Champions – and I was more than happy to put my money where my mouth was,” she said.
Another example of NNC’s successful efforts, the Newtopian Outreach project includes trained volunteers who last year offered assistance to over 100 people on the streets of Newtown.
“The group operates on Wednesday nights along with a professional outreach once a month.
“I often hear how surprised people in this community are at the increase of people sleeping on our streets.
“By donating to our service, you will giving these people access to immediate support and a pathway to a better life.”
WHERE would you sleep if you had no home? Would you feel safe sleeping on the streets? Would you sleep soundly?
Unfortunately, too many of our Newtown neighbours face these tough questions daily.
You can help Newtown Neighbourhood Centre help more people doing it tough in the community, to find connection, support and, ultimately, a dignified place to sleep by joining this year’s Sleepout at Newtown Square on Tuesday, August 6. Sign up now and be one of 120 people to sleep out to help raise awareness and funds for the homeless.
More info at newtopiansleepout.org