She has had enough, and says “if residents don’t want to contribute to a better Canterbury Bankstown, then they can go somewhere else” – plus cop a hefty fine.
Rubbish which was piled high and littered several streets last week, included white goods, furniture and lots of bags of household rubbish.

“I get an inordinate amount of emails about dumped rubbish and as soon as the council team picks it up, there’s more the next week,” she said.
“It’s often outside the same residences with mostly transient occupants.
“The days of softly, softly are over for these offenders. I want these offenders fined and want them to face the full force of the law.
“What they are doing is illegal and I want them penalised.
“I admit that some people may not know how to get their household rubbish picked up and they need educating but on the whole, people know and they just don’t care as long as they don’t have to put any time and energy into being responsible for their junk.”
At Cr Raffan’s request, the council will establish a targeted surveillance, enforcement and education program to address illegal dumping hotspots in Campsie.
“It is not bad enough that some people will throw their litter in the street or empty their car rubbish into the gutter when they have no more use for the item,” she said.
“Then we have disrespectful, inconsiderate, irresponsible, selfish people who think that any space outside of their house, townhouse or block of flats is their personal dumping ground for household items.”
Despite several education campaigns in the area, earlier this year the council was forced to engage a crew and truck to regularly remove dumped rubbish from the streets of Campsie.
Putting items on the street without a pre-booked Clean Up, could attract a fine of up to $4,000.