Bring back Mays Hill push
“Cumberland Council wants to put Granville and Mays Hill back together again,” Mayor Greg Cummings said, and is now asking the community to comment on proposed boundary changes.
The boundary adjustment would extend Cumberland Council’s boundary at Granville out to either Parramatta Road or the M4 and at Mays Hill east along Steele and Pitt Street.
Mayor Cummings said putting these suburbs back together would eliminate the existing fragmented approach to planning, which was critical to successfully managing the future growth in these areas and along the Parramatta Road corridor.
“Consolidating both suburbs under the Cumberland Local Government Area would also honour the region’s historical and cultural links, by bringing communities of interest back together,” he said.
“In many ways this is less about changing the map than it is about recognising the current reality.
“Residents in Granville and Mays Hill already use Cumberland’s local facilities but some, because of a quirk of map-making, are unable to have a say in how they are run or operated.”
Mayor Cummongs said that by uniting these suburbs under Cumberland, it would provide residents of Granville and Mays Hill with a greater say in their local services and facilities.
“Cumberland Council is committed to putting rates back into localised services and projects that support a growing and connected community,” he said.
A postal survey has been sent to residents in Granville and Mays Hill and closes on August 30 or make a submission at