The gypsy band, which has played around the world showcasing its unique Balkan beats, fused with swing and tango, is fronted by Australian born Romani-Gypsy singer and actress, Sarah Bedak, who said traipsing from country to country has been a highlight.
“We’ve played at the Opera House, Havana World Music Festival in Cuba, Guca Festival in Serbia, through the Pacific Islands, Macau, across eastern and western Europe, and in Austin, Texas,” she said.
“Everywhere we’ve played has been astounding, from Cuba, where we played in a contemporary art gallery, to being in Bosnia and having Muslim, Christian and Jewish followers come together to listen to us play.”
Unlike other bands who have a stage set-up, Bedak’s travels with hers wherever she goes.
“Our stage is Lolo the Gypsy Caravan, which is very Australian of us,” she said.
Throughout the month-long event, there will be a range of Arabian entertainment, including: Kush Cabaret – roving Middle Eastern Musicians on stilts; Camel Safari – roving performers on stilts dressed as camels; Brass band; Lebanese drumming; and camels.
Ramadan Nights Lakemba will run from Sunday, May 5, to Thursday, June 6, in Haldon Street Lakemba, from sun down.
Road closures are proposed on Saturdays, May 11, 18 and 25 and June 1. There will also be park and ride options.
Gypsy treat for Ramadan
LOLO Lovina and the Gypsy Caravan Stage will bring their exotic sounds to Ramadan Nights Lakemba on the first Saturday of the month-long event on Saturday, May 11.