WITH Panania District Manager Leanne Murray leading the charge in Canterbury Bankstown, Guides NSW – one of the largest organisations in Australia dedicated to supporting girls and young women – is calling for more volunteers.
Mrs Murray says that volunteering is not only about helping others, studies have shown it helps increase your health, happiness and sense of fulfilment.
“From our own research – Girl Guides NSW, ACT & NT Insights Research 2018 – we know that our volunteers are making lifelong friends, gaining personal fulfilment, developing a sense of belonging and learning new skills,” she said.
“We recently had to combine the younger Panania Guide group with Revesby because we simply did not have a trainer; it was very upsetting to see it go but we are just calling it a hiatus and hoping we can start it up again.”
Joining Girl Guides when she was just seven years, Mrs Murray has been a Guide leader now for 30 years and District Manager for over seven years.
“I’ve been all the way through the Guiding movement and it’s been such a positive journey; I got to travel the world and enjoy so many experiences that my friends didn’t have as Guiding gives you so many opportunities to grow and develop as a person,” she said.
“It’s helped my work life and family life and it’s a real sisterhood.
“But to run successful programs, we need more volunteer leaders and offer full training.
“There is always someone to lean on for extra support and Guiding is a place where all are welcomed regardless of age, culture; one our girls training to be a leader is even on the autism spectrum but that is not a hindrance.”
To find out more email Mrs Murray on leannem869.lm@gmail.com or call 0403 679 907.
‘Guiding’ next generation
Call for more volunteers to keep movement alive