
Glittering night a fitting event finale

THE Canterbury Bankstown Local Business Awards was a glittering spectacular that provided a fitting finale to the annual event.

This year’s winners exchanged exuberant hugs and cheers filled the room as they made their way to the stage at Revesby Workers’ Club.
Awards founder and Precedent Productions Managing Director Steve Loe said the evening was an exciting culmination to a successful awards program.

“The Local Business Awards recognise the vital role business people and their teams play in the lives of their communities,” he said.
“The presentation evening not only sees the announcement of the category winners but is an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of all the finalists.
“We had a sell-out crowd that included our finalists, their families and staff, as well as our sponsors and local dignitaries, who helped to present awards to the winners.”
There were huge cheers as the winners’ names were read out and they took to the stage to claim their trophies.
“The winners’ speeches are always heartfelt and emotional,” Mr Loe said.
“This year was no exception.
“It’s very emotional for everyone there to see their tears and smiles as well as hear the beautiful acceptance speeches of all of the winners.”
And, of course, the awards are only possibly with the support of major sponsors Canterbury Bankstown Council, NOVA Employment, Bankstown City Unity Bank and Bankstown Central and support sponsors, Revesby Workers’ Club, Revesby Village Centre, Service NSW and MWLP.
“Their involvement proves their commitment to their community and the businesses that thrive there,” Mr Loe said.
Mr Loe also thanked Revesby Workers’ Club for the high quality food and service it provided.
“Thanks to them it was a five-star occasion,” he said.
“The audience was kept entertained by the incredible Alfie Arcuri and Caitlin Berry and our fabulous MC Paul Hancock who kept the evening flowing smoothly.”
Businesses can register for the 2020 Local Business Awards at or for more information, call Precedent Productions on 8363 3333.