
Girls get taste of trades

WOMEN make up only 13 per cent of trade apprentices and trainees in NSW, with most opting to pursue apprenticeships in areas such as hairdressing and beauty therapy.

Developing strategies to encourage women and girls to undertake and complete training in trades, the Saint Yon Training Centre at LaSalle Catholic College in Bankstown, recently hosted a ‘Girls in Trade’ day.
With women plumbers, electricians and builders as guest speakers, students were able to hear stories of how they built their careers from studying a VET trade course at school and gaining valuable work experience that led to full-time apprenticeship positions, to team leading and now management.

☐ Students take part in an activity at the Women in Trade day.

The Year 9 and 10 girls enjoyed hands-on activities in a specifically designed workshop showing them how to set up a two-way electrical wiring system.
“The students were able to test their lighting and get mentored by the experts,” Training Centre Head Margaret Phillips said.
Student Isabella Silvera said: “I loved the Girls in Trade day and found it really interesting and loved the Electrotechnology hands-on workshop.”
Student Brigid Fenukitau said: “It was a good experience as it was a great eye opener for different career paths. The trade ladies were very helpful.”
Student Lia Catarino said: “The Girls Trade day was a great learning experience in which I learnt the many possibilities of trade careers for women.”

☐ VET Electro teacher Kate Tully showing students her wiring technique.

Student Jamie Bouzianis said: “I had the opportunity to ask female tradies about various trades … the overall experience was amazing as it opened my eyes to future possibilities.”
For more info, contact Mrs Phillips on 9793 5600.