The Our lady of Fatima Primary School, Kingsgrove, student said that if she was getting a haircut, could she at least give her hair to a sick child who may need it for a wig.
“We were really shocked that at her age, she would have that kind of empathy for someone suffering from cancer,” Bernadette said.
“She had seen one of her sports instructors have their head shaved to help the sick and the idea must have stuck with her.
“We contacted Variety the Children’s Foundation charity and they set up a fundraising page for Theresa who has so far raised over $1,300 to help with the sick child’s expenses.
“Before the haircut last week, Theresa’s hair was to her bottom but we’ve had 45cm cut off it and donated it to Variety.
“We are just so proud of how brave Theresa is and even though she loved her long hair, she loved the idea of helping another more.”