Restricting water to preserve what’s left
WATER restrictions will be enforced from this Saturday for the first time in a decade, with Greater Sydney experiencing drought and the lowest inflows into dams since the 1940s.
Water restrictions are enforceable and penalties apply, with some exemptions available for non-residential customers.
“The Bureau of Meteorology’s latest forecast is predicting below-average rainfall and higher temperatures for June to August, which are key drivers of stronger water demand,” Minister for Water, Melinda Pavey, said.
“So it’s vital we take early and decisive action.”
Water restrictions you must abide by:
• Your hose must have a trigger nozzle or wand with an instant on-off mechanism; water garden only before 10am or after 4pm.
• The use of sprinklers and watering systems is not permitted, except for drip irrigation systems or automated watering systems.
• You can’t leave a hose unattended, unless you are topping up a pool.
• Hosing hard surfaces like paths and driveways is not permitted. However, you can
always spot clean areas for health and safety reasons.
• You can only wash vehicles, boats and buildings with a bucket, a hose fitted with a
trigger nozzle.
• You will need a permit to fill a new or renovated pool greater than 10,000 litres and have a pool cover that is endorsed by the Swimming Pool and Spa Association of Australia.
For more info, visit