
Gang rapist parole bid rejected again

GANG rapist Mohammed Skaf will remain behind bars – at least for now – after he was refused parole again.

He was one of 14 offenders involved in a string of gang rapes in the Bankstown area in 2000. The attacks were led by Mohammed and his brother Bilal.
It is the third time that the State Parole Authority (SPA) has been denied him parole since becoming eligible for release.
In January 2001, he was sentenced to 22 years, 11 months and 30 days, with a Non Parole Period of 16 years, 11 months and 30 days. His sentence expires in January 2024.
The SPA panel accepted the recommendation of the Serious Offenders Review Council (SORC) that releasing Skaf to parole was inappropriate as he needed to participate in an external leave program.
The SPA cannot grant parole to a Serious Offender if SORC advises against release, unless there are exceptional circumstances.
He was first denied parole in 2017 and again in August 2019.
Skaf, 36, can now make an application to have this latest decision reviewed but if that application is rejected, then the order to refuse parole will stand.
His next consideration will be listed for November 2020.