The revised policy includes new criteria for larger fences erected adjoining council property; the introduction of a requirement to provide three quotes for fencing, with the council’s contribution based “on the most cost-effective” option; and consideration of financial hardship only where an existing fence is in a state of disrepair or poor condition.
Once the new policy is confirmed, eligible applicants will also be able to apply for a 25 per cent maximum total contribution under hardship for new or replacement fencing over 50 lineal metres, which is an increase on the existing maximum of $1,000 per application.
During last month’s meeting where councillors approved the revised policy going on public exhibition for 28 days, they also unanimously approved a $1,963.75 contribution for one new fence pending a public notice.
Cumberland Mayor Greg Cummings said the assistance approved was in accordance with the provisions of the revised policy.
However it isn’t certain how many other properties with fences adjoining council land could be impacted by the revised policy as Cr Cummings told the Review that Cumberland’s existing systems don’t collate that information.
Funding to fix fencing
AIMING to ensure property owners sharing a boundary with council-owned property get fair and equitable treatment, Cumberland has revised its Dividing Fences Hardship Policy.