
Friendship transcends perils of puberty in tale

ONE of the highlights in this year’s Short+Sweet Festival, ‘Growing Pains’ stars Ashbury teenager James Pantellis as Buzz.

Written by Chantal Harrison, the story is a delightful exploration of queer youth, love and acceptance.
When societal norms or what is “normalised” affects individuals and causes them to feel out of place, a good friendship and love are the ways out during these times of alienation – not knowing your identity is a commonality that all humankind shares after all.
Despite James’ young age, he has proven himself to be a dedicated and talented actor who began his acting career at the age of 10.
With extensive acting training under is belt, along with stage performances and appearing in films, he has demonstrated confidence and skill beyond his years.
With Gemma Russell also starring as Mika, you can catch ‘Growing Pains’ and other short, sharp, tasty theatre bites at Turner Hall, Ultimo, from April 4-7.