
Free Expo on to help assist small business

PASSIONATE about encouraging girls and women to reach for the stars, Grind & Co owner Christine Ousman will have a lot to say as one of the keynote speakers at the Small Business Month Expo in Merrylands later this month.

The Cumberland Businessperson of the Year and Pemulwuy resident says we are living in a day and age where anything is possible.
“If you have a business idea or expertise in an area why not do it for yourself, instead of lining someone else’s pockets,” she said.
“I’m all for female entrepreneurship and will be pushing that theme at the Expo along with urging education authorities to do more in high school about teaching skills in business.
“Business is something that we’re not really educated about and that’s why so many are hesitant about starting on their own – males and females – because there is so much to learn.”
As part of 2022 NSW Small Business Month, Cumberland Council has partnered with the Greater Cumberland Chamber of Commerce to run the free Expo at Eric Tweedale Stadium on Friday, March 25, 5.30-9pm, with the theme, ‘It’s Time to Rebuild, Recharge and Renew’.
Other speakers include Oporto Fast Food Franchise founder and Daily Fresh Food Service director, Antonio Cerqueira, Associate Dean, Engagement in the School of Business at Western Sydney University, Dr Michelle Cull, Shadow Minister for Night Time Economy and Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Legislative Council, John Graham, Swimz Pty Ltd executive director and CSmart Consulting founder, Anu Bedi, State MP for Granville, Julia Finn, NSW Multiculturalism Minister Mark Coure and State MP for Auburn, Lynda Voltz.
With refreshments and entertainment provided, bookings are essential at