
Free course for older to connect

ARE you an older person who needs to learn more tips and tricks using a computer, phone or other device?

Chester Hill Neighbourhood Centre (CHNC) is offering a free ‘Be Connected’ course on Thursdays, 10am-12pm, to get you on your way and help you master the world of technology.
Designed to build confidence, digital skills and online safety, the free Australian Government initiative ‘Be Connected’ offers lessons in using a keyboard and mouse, and using the internet and learning internet safety as well as sending emails and using social media.
Previous participant Michael Josipovic, 74, who took part in a course at CHNC last year, said he learned some great skills and was looking forward to doing further courses this year.
He’s now able to catch up with friends on facebook, enjoy youtube and do much more.
“I’d been scammed previously, with friends finding my photos on other websites, so I wanted to learn how to spot a scammer as well,” he said.
“I also wanted to learn how to comment on political news reports anonymously and before I did the course, wasn’t even sure how to link my phone with my computer.
“I wasn’t able to do the course every week but the skills I learned have definitely opened up my world and I would thoroughly recommend other seniors to book in for the free training.”
Bookings: 9645 3700 or