
Free class to boost fitness as well as emotional health

HUNDREDS of people have been enjoying free exercise classes every week at Granville Park in Merrylands and Phillips Park in Lidcombe, taking part in the Live Life Get Active program which encourages residents to live longer, happier lives.

You can register to take a free crossfit, boxing or yoga class (all sessions are 45 minutes with equipment provided) during school term.
Live Life’s Krystal Haddad says the classes are not only for physical fitness but help maintain social and mental health.
“These classes provide an outlet for anyone who wants to get out more or work on improving their brain health,” she said.
“The best thing anyone can do for their emotional and mental health is to get moving.
“We’ve found that since covid, people are leading more isolated lifestyles but you still need to make the effort to get out and about and these classes are an opportunity to make new friends and feel great about yourself.”
With participants registered with backgrounds from over 120 countries, Krystal said the classes were multicultural and open to men and women aged over 18.
“We have all age groups attending but find the majority are women in their 40s.”
Classes are held in Lidcombe on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 6pm and 6.45pm, and at Merrylands from Monday to Thursday at 6pm and Fridays from 9.30am.
Live Life Get Active is a registered charity supported by Western Sydney Primary Health Network.
Registrations and info: