
Former club president honoured on birthday

FORMER Merrylands RSL Club president and veteran, Charles W. Munnery OAM, was honoured on what would have been his 100th birthday.

‘Chicka’, as he was affectionately known, came up with the concept for a memorial in the club front garden over 50 years ago when he commissioned world-renowned artist, David Darcy, for a way to commemorate the servicemen in recognition of their efforts and battles for their country.
So, it was only fitting on Sunday, March 17, which would have been Charlie’s 100th birthday, that Merrylands RSL Club and Merrylands Sub-Branch honoured the creator of this inspirational memorial by naming it the Charles W. Munnery OAM Memorial Garden.
Club spokesperson Jane Smith said each of the three servicemen on the memorial, represented a division of the service league – the Navy, Army and Air Force – with a nurse added in 2010 to represent Women in War.
“The 303 rifle that hangs over the middle soldier’s arm and the shell casing are actual weapons of war that were also bronzed in the process,” she said.
Charlie, who was president of Merrylands RSL from 1960 to 1973, was an ex-serviceman, from the Army’s sixth division and became a member of the local RSL in 1949.
Jane said he was a much-loved member of the Merrylands RSL family until his passing in September 2023.