
Follows digger footsteps

NOW keen to inspire others to step out of their comfort zone, Bankstown Sports Recruitment Coordinator Natalie Tanevski says she is a more confident person after trekking the Kokoda Trail.

Natalie joined other aspiring leaders from the NSW clubs industry as part of the RSL and Services Club Kokoda Youth Leadership Challenge for the tough 10-day trek, which provided them with a practical leadership experience based on the achievements and sacrifice of diggers during World War 2.
Under the guidance of war veteran Charlie Lynn, who has led 98 expeditions across the Kokoda Trail, Natalie says it was incredible to walk through the jungle environment and learn about the people and culture.
“From the 4.30am bugle alarms to dealing with the rain and humidity, and having to put on wet socks and muddy boots each morning,” she said. “You quickly realise how hard it must have been for our soldiers and makes you grateful for the life we have in Australia because of them.
“I think being a part of such a gruelling physical challenge really brought us closer together as a group. We have all developed friendships for life”.
Natalie’s trip was funded by the ClubsNSW Western Metropolitan Region, with a contribution from Bankstown Sports Club for out-of-pocket expenses.