
First ‘Kids in Business Market’ set to launch locally

THE first Kids in Business Market – where every stallholder is a child (pictured) – will be on offer at Pioneer Reserve in Guildford at the end of the month.

A not-for-profit group, its aim is to teach our future leaders to start early when developing their business and trade skills.
Goods will range from homemade soaps, popping candy drinks and jewellery, to face painting, spinning art, cupcakes, baked goods, clothing and a lolly stand.
Not-for-profit Kids in Business founder Monica Catalinac said most stalls sold out.
“Some of the highlights included a child, 12, making $500 from selling chopping boards, a child, 7, selling $530 worth of soap and an 11-year-old jewellery creator making $1,000,” she said.
Teaching the same skills to big business launching eBay platforms for over 15 years, Monica said most of the children grasped the concept of taking little business steps better than the adults.
“We really don’t give children enough credit,” she said.
“The workshops that myself and business partner Fayerolla Jacobs teach children, show them how to develop skills needed for self-reliance, financially literacy and success in business.
“But this is more than just a market – it’s a celebration of creativity, ambition and the entrepreneurial spirit.”
Zayn, 11, said: “This market was so busy and I even had a line at my stall. I learned how to work with customers quickly and learned a lot about calculating orders and taking money. I can’t wait to do it again.”
Medina, 7, said: “I didn’t want to leave. I had so much fun. I sold lots of soaps that I made with my mum and then spent some money at my friend’s businesses.”
Everyone’s invited to the Markets on Sunday, July 28, 11am-4pm. For schools or parents wanting to register their child for business workshops: