Superintendant Adam Dewberry said: “There were two workers trapped in the machinery at the ink plant and firefighters worked tirelessly with ambulance paramedics to treat them and release them; one unfortunately passed away.

“What made it complex was the confined space in the ink vat and also dealing with the product content in the vat that had to be worked around as well.
“Firefighters showed tremendous courage and dedication rescuing the workers and should be commended as they were.”
St Florian’s Day, also known as International Firefighter’s Day, is commemorated annually on May 4.
FRNSW Deputy Commissioner Mal Connellan said St Florian’s Day provided a chance to thank all firefighters for their work.
“Each of the people commended today is a credit to both FRNSW and the communities they protect and serve,” he said.
“As one of the world’s most highly skilled and regarded urban firefighting and rescue services, our firefighters are equipped to respond to a range of serious incidents, from motor vehicle accidents and medical emergencies, to hazmat incidents and fires.
“They exemplify the proud legacy of courageous service that is the hallmark of NSW firefighters.
“Today we thank not just the people receiving awards – but all firefighters who perform valuable life-saving work on a daily basis.”