50s Lifestyle

Fashion scarf to aid poor student

VIEW Clubs of Australia (VIEW), including East Hills View Club, have partnered with Australian women’s fashion brand, Black Pepper, to celebrate the club’s 60th anniversary while helping out children experiencing poverty.

The limited edition scarf, designed for Views’ Diamond Jubilee, is available online at blackpepper.com.au and in Black Pepper retail stores this October, with $10 from each sale going towards children and young people supported by education charity, The Smith Family.
East Hills View Club sponsors two children through the Smith Family, providing support for their education, however, many more are in need of help.
“Children across Australia have faced unprecedented challenges this year due to Covid, with the impact felt more acutely by youth already experiencing disadvantage,” East Hills View’s Bev Cheal said.
“Many students were already behind but after school closures, are now at risk of staying behind.
“Data shows there are 1.2 million children living in poverty in Australia at the moment and our clubs are trying to do something about this huge problem.
“We’d love more women of all ages to join our club so we can reach even more children in need through our fundraising and volunteering.”
East Hills View Club will next meet on Monday, October 19, at 10.45am at Revesby Workers’ Club, with coffee and tea available. There will be no guest speaker this month due to Covid 19 restrictions.
For further info, ring Bev 9771 5457.