
Fantastic women recognised

Margaret Williams has been the awarded the Local Woman Award in the 2020 Canterbury Bankstown Local Women of the Year Awards.
Mayor Khal Asfour said announcing the winners of this prestigious award should be a welcome change at a time when the news is dominated by the Coronavirus pandemic.
The winners of the 2020 Local Women of the Year Awards are:
Local Woman Award: Margaret Williams
Local Woman Community Award: Jennifer Ashwood;
Young Local Woman Award: Toni Maree Barsby;
Local Sports Woman Award: Yusra Metwally;
Creative Arts and Cultural Woman Award: Sara Mansour;
Woman Hip-hop Activist Award: Kween G; and
Woman Activism Award: Joumana Menzalji El Jamal.
“I want to congratulate and give the praise these wonderful women deserve for their contributions to our City,” Mayor Asfour said.
Over 60 women across Canterbury-Bankstown were nominated this year, proving selflessness through volunteering, teaching and entertaining.
Local Woman of the Year winner Ms Williams said it is incredible to think people are appreciative of her work within the community.
In her 40 years of residency in Canterbury-Bankstown, she has fought hard for the needs of the Aboriginal community, in particular the fostering of many Aboriginal children.
“I continue to enjoy spending time with other inspiring Indigenous women and offering my support where needed,” Ms Williams said.
“I thrive off providing Aboriginal people confidence in themselves, and assuring them that the community cares.
“One of the important parts of my work is mixing with other nationality groups to educate them on Aboriginal matters, making the award so much more rewarding,” she said.
Mayor Khal Asfour added that the women in our community continue to go above and beyond for others and are clearly making a difference.
“We are privileged to witness and be positively affected by these women’s actions, and I hope it motivates others to always act with kindness,” he said.
For more information on the winners, visit the City of Canterbury Bankstown Facebook page.