
Family day to assist young

Married at First Sight contestant Gabrielle Bartlett has teamed up with Humphrey B. Bear for the Bowl Barefeet for Child Protection Week fundraiser at Padstow Bowling & Recreational Club.

IT’S probably not the partnership Married at First Sight contestant Gabrielle Bartlett was hoping for but in the name of charity, she has teamed up with Humphrey B. Bear.

The pair will get together for Bowl Barefeet for Child Protection Week, the Revesby-based Child Protection Foundation’s big annual fundraiser at Padstow Bowling & Recreational Club on Sunday, September 8, at 10am.
The gala family fundraiser – now in its 10th year – is a community event in support of National Child Protection Week.
All money raised on the day goes toward supporting the Child Protection Foundation in its ongoing work to educate the community and prevent child abuse.

Humphrey will be making a splash on the bowling green alongside Ms Bartlett, who is the Foundation’s new Ambassador.
Revesby Heights resident and Foundation director, Kerry Fozzard said Humphrey and Gabby would make this a barefoot bowls day to remember.
“They’re both itching to play bowls with the kids and adults alike, so roll up, folks,” she said.
As well as enjoying the fun of lawn bowls – and the chance to win some great prizes – there is a barbecue lunch, games, raffles, a chocolate wheel, a jumping castle and face painting.
Tickets including bowls equipment and sausage sizzle are available for $15 for adults, $10 for children and $35 for a family (two adults and two children, aged 15 and under) and are available at