
Fair dinkum day for Anzacs back

MOST Covid restrictions have been lifted but local sub-branches are still preparing for smaller ANZAC Day events than in the past in accordance with RSL NSW guidelines.

Bankstown RSL Sub Branch President Terry Corcoran was extremely disappointed with the move to limit the number of veterans marching in the city but that all changed with the latest RSL NSW direction allowing all units to march together with their banners and flags.
“If you can’t march with your mates in their units, it’s a half-hearted ANZAC Day so we’re pleased all restrictions now appear to have lifted, although as we know, things can change on a daily basis,” he said.
“We will also have a small march on the Bankstown courthouse reserve and the club will take care of our marshalling and Covid requirements.
“We are also planning to run a service inside the club from 7.30am.
“It’s starting to look more like a fair dinkum ANZAC Day again. It didn’t seem right that you could have thousands at football matches and marches but not on ANZAC Day.”
Padstow RSL Sub Branch Trevor Young is also relieved.
“We having a 5.30am service in the club auditorium but numbers are restricted to 200 and you’ve got to book.
“At least you can get together with your mates now. It’s great news for everyone.”
Campsie RSL Sub Branch President Ken Button is not planning to host a march this year.
“We’ll definitely have a wreath-laying service because we owe it to those who laid down their lives for us,” he said.
Canterbury Hurlstone Park RSL Sub Branch President Kenneth McIntyre says there will be a dawn service at the club at the outdoor memorial but it will be restricted to 380 people.
“We are planning to have a gunfire breakfast afterwards but people need to put in an expression of interest at the club if they want to attend as numbers are restricted,” he said.
“There will also be a flyover of WWII planes to commemorate the 100-year anniversary of the Australian Airforce.”