Royal Touch Paper Products Pty Ltd that produces toilet paper, hand towels and dispensers, have seen demand for their products skyrocket.
“We’re working all weekend and double shifts,” says Vincent Chetcuti, who owns the business along with brother Dominic.
“Even the office staff are working 17-hour days in an effort to fill orders.
“We’re only a wholesale supplier but we are struggling to keep up as this is unprecedented and because it’s literally happened overnight, we haven’t had time to change our infrastructure, machines or staffing levels in the small amount of time.
“We used to produce 20 pallets a day off one machine and we’re now doing 35.”
Mr Chetcuti said despite mainly supplying the commercial sector like schools and hospitals, he has had a few emergency calls from local residents keen to get their hands on some toilet paper.
“We’re always happy to help out if we can and certainly don’t want to see anyone going without toilet paper,” he said.
An Australian owned manufacturer of washroom products and hygiene systems for more than 22 years and employing 25 staff, Royal Touch Paper Products was founded by Vincent Chetcuti senior with his sons starting to work at the business when they were young teenagers.
The company only uses energy efficient machinery designed to reduce sending waste to landfill, with all of the paper going to a recycling plant where it goes through a rejuvenation process.
“Our vision is to create hygienic bathrooms throughout Australia and across all industries,” Mr Chetcuti added.
Factory flush with orders over scarcity of toilet rolls on shelf
WHILE some are whiling away the hours in quarantine and others find their businesses shrinking with less foot traffic on the street due to coronavirus fears, a small team in Milperra have never worked so hard.