
Expert advice to assist import, export projects

BUSINESSES have the chance to increase their knowledge on import and export trends, hear from people who have successfully done it and get information on the government services available to help businesses prepare for exporting.

The Canterbury-Bankstown Export Capability Workshop will be held on Tuesday, March 24, 8.30am-12.30pm at Bryan Brown Theatre.
If you are a current exporter or interested in growing your business through exports, you can’t miss this workshop.
It will cover import and export trends, government services to help businesses prepare for export, Free Trade Agreements and tariffs and shipping documents and trademarks.
Mayor Khal Asfour says small businesses make up a large part of the City of Canterbury Bankstown, so it is important to focus on their potential and growth.
“Now more than ever, small businesses have the opportunity to grow their companies by exporting goods and services abroad,” he said.
“Australia is a small country with a limited domestic market, so exporting is a great way to grow and can be lucrative for businesses of all sizes.
“If you’re interested in increasing profits, boosting demand for products or exposing yourself to new business innovations, then exporting is for you.”
Tickets: $15, including morning tea and light lunch.
For more information on the export workshop or to register, visit